Managed Print Services can deliver better ROI on your print solution

What do you look for in a print solution? If it’s good value for money, then it’s not just about cost. Every element of your print operation plays its part in giving your business a great ROI.


When your organisation needs a new print solution, either situated centrally in your office space or designed for a hybrid workforce dotted around the country, where should you look and, perhaps more importantly, what should you look for?

It’s only natural that the first thing you’ll check is how much each device will cost. After all, we all want to achieve the best return on investment – and 69% of business leaders say print is key to unlocking growth and revenue. But we’ve also all heard the saying ‘buy cheap, buy twice’.  The truth is, there are many variables you need to consider. In this article, we’ll discuss some of those variables, and how important finding the right partner is in securing a good return on investment.

What are the key considerations for a good ROI?

Modern multifunctional print solutions can offer your business far more than just everyday print features. They represent central hubs of productivity in the office and for your people – no matter where they’re working – and as such, provide a vast array of opportunities for adding value to your organisation. Here are some crucial things to consider:

Energy consumption

There are printers which help you cut down on energy consumption. Look for devices with features such as auto-off timers to trim down that carbon footprint and save you cash.

Saving space

Office space is expensive, we all know that. So, finding technology that can manage and maintain several business-critical processes on their own, rather than looking at multiple devices is crucial. You’ll free up lots of extra space that can be put to better use for your business.


Print technology is evolving all the time. And fast. Leading print providers and partners understand this implicitly and will offer solutions that autonomously update with the latest software and functionality – which increases the device’s lifecycle dramatically and enables you to integrate future innovations more easily.

How can print solutions generate ROI across your business

Today’s print solutions can deliver significant benefits across your entire organisation, adding value to multiple business-critical operations and processes. 

One of these areas is, of course, productivity. Modern devices do far more than just print. They offer a multitude of functions that take tedious tasks out of your people’s hands, freeing them up to focus on more profitable projects.

They also introduce features such as secure documentation, scanning and integration with the cloud, which reduces paper trails and hastens the sharing of information between different devices and users. Effective, efficient, and a much more enjoyable work environment and fulfilled experience for your people.

Choosing the right partner for print ROI

Your choice of print partner can have a huge impact on your return on investment. So how do you know who to pick?

One thing to keep front of mind during your decision is the level of support you will receive. Working with a collaborative partner is the best way to effectively integrate new devices and software into your organisation while ensuring your people know how to use them – all while securing true value for money.

It is also important to find a partner who is open to a discussion around adapting agreements, within the Contractual Compliance Guidelines to make sure you’re getting the best price and service across the full timeline of your agreement. 

Ricoh, your people-first Managed Print Service provider 

Ricoh has years of experience in understanding the vital role office print plays in an organisation – including return on investment.

As a Managed Print Service provider, we specialise in analysing the needs of your business, identifying the right solutions for both you and your people, and then integrating them seamlessly into your workflows – ensuring your people know how to make the most of them.

And we don’t stop there. We offer ongoing support to make sure you get the most from our collaboration, and that your people work happily and productively to produce their best work for your business.

Finding your perfect Managed Print Solution

Learn more about Ricoh’s support values with our ‘Finding Your Perfect Print Solution’ guide.

Click to read Finding your Perfect Office Print Solution

Lee Franklin

Head of Finance & Control UK & Ireland, Ricoh

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