Three big reasons why you should optimise print workflows

Every step in your print operation affects the growth and profitability of your business. Even just one inefficiency can cost you time, money and job quality that will affect your customer satisfaction. This makes it crucial for you to optimise print workflows to adapt and keep up as your business expands. 

Understanding your workflows and re-evaluating them regularly enables you to make the right process enhancements that improve efficiency and maximise your ROI. Whether you’re looking to automate your workflows for the first time or hone your existing automations, Ricoh MIS is here to help. We know how complex it can be to optimise print workflows for end-to-end production.

optimise workflows automation

Here are three big reasons why you need to optimise print workflows:

1. Optimise print workflows to improve efficiency and save valuable time

With so many moving parts in a print operation, breakpoints in your workflow can feel inevitable. This may feel especially relevant if many of your workflows still run manually. Every human touch creates a disconnection in your process, increases the possibility of errors and, ultimately, slows down your production. Regularly optimise print workflows to cut down on these time-consuming operational inefficiencies through automation.

Most printers operate without a centralised print MIS system in place to support their business. Instead, they have a patchwork of different software and solutions at various points in the process. This creates what we call “islands of automation.” Because these islands are not synced or integrated, they silo information. In addition, they also create a lack of transparency which contributes to process breakdowns. That’s why we recommend going through every step of your operation from start to finish to optimise print workflows. Documenting these gaps and bottlenecks identifies ways in which you can create a more seamless and efficient production process.

If you already have a fully integrated and automated MIS platform in place, such as Ricoh MIS, performing regular audits helps ensure you are always getting the most out of your investment. Most printers utilise less than 50 per cent of their MIS platforms. So make sure you employ yours to its fullest capacity. Learn what other functionalities or product updates could benefit your operations to help your business run even more efficiently.

Whether you’re new to automation or a seasoned user, the bottom line remains the same. The more you optimise print workflows and streamline your process, the more efficiently it runs. In turn, this gives you more time to regain refocus on higher-value tasks that can help your business grow.

2. Optimise print workflows helps boost customer satisfaction

Optimising your automation also helps you deliver a higher quality customer experience. The time previously spent on manual tasks like data re-entry can be reallocated to focus on more important priorities. For example, production quality controls, building customer relationships and improving retention.

In the competitive world of print, customers have no qualms about finding another vendor if you fail to deliver. Properly configured automation not only reduces the potential for human error but also helps you manage deadlines more effectively and produce more in less time. The consistency of timely, high-quality jobs delivered by a well-oiled operation builds customer trust and boosts customer satisfaction and retention.

Additionally, regular reviews to optimise print workflows and processes will reveal ways to make it easier for your customers to engage and do business with you. From providing a simplified job submission process to fulfilling quote requests and orders more quickly. You can ensure that customers have more seamless access to your services and support, giving you a valuable competitive advantage.

3. Optimising print workflows facilitates business growth and expansion

With the time you save from having well-run, automated workflows, you can expand your scope beyond simply fulfilling job orders and consider the new directions your business can take to generate even more revenue. However, adding new products and services requires making sure all the touchpoints stay centralised and connected.

The generation of new revenue for your organisation depends on your operation’s ability to handle additional job types, increased inventory needs, variable formatting, and more. Especially as industry trends point to more demand for one-stop-shops, optimising your automation becomes even more important for helping you scale sustainably and building even stronger customer relationships. If you’re ready to expand, consider the ways you can tailor your automated workflows to address these challenges.

Schedule a workflow tune-up today

Considering the key benefits that come with keeping your operations updated and streamlined, you’ll want to make sure to keep annual or biannual workflow audits on your calendar. Just as your car needs a regular tune-up to keep it running in tip-top shape, optimising print workflow audits will enable you to keep your operations working at maximum capacity.

If you’re unsure where to start or what process changes to make, our team of specialists is always here to support you. Customers can take advantage of our on-site Workflow Optimisation Program. This includes a multi-day visit by a workflow specialist and is tailored to the unique needs of your business. We work with your team to identify and understand your specific goals. This includes assessing your current workflows for breakpoints and inefficiencies, providing additional product training and making recommendations for further productivity gain.

If you’re not an MIS user and want to see how your business could benefit from optimised workflows, our specialists will guide you through a free workflow evaluation to review the six key business segments you should be evaluating regularly. We’ll help you identify and address gaps in your automation, additional tasks you could automate and potential process fixes.

Reach out to learn more about MIS and how it benefits a business like yours.

Jason Naylor

Senior Software Sales Specialist at Ricoh UK