Healeys Guest Blog: How we’re unlocking the power of print

Philip Dodd is Managing Director of Healeys, a UK print services provider renowned for its passion for innovation in print. In this article, Philip outlines how Healeys works with its customers to bring to life the power of print.

We all know the digital world is crowded. There’s a multitude of channels, content and ads flying here, there and everywhere. At Healeys, our goal is to help our clients cut through the noise. We create smart, creative, and memorable print communications that capture attention and drive action with the power of print.

Often our customers think print is more straightforward than digital mediums, but in reality, there are far more considerations and possibilities when it comes to print. Our job is to create considered and beautifully designed print campaigns that stand the test of time. 

So how can you help your clients differentiate themselves with print? 

Get the experts in the room 

Our print experts are passionate about showing clients the infinite possibilities available to them. The team listens to the requirements and expectations and presents solutions that will generate the desired customer response. This process helps clients improve their understanding of processes and how they can be applied to deliver the right message in the most impactful way.

Educating agencies is important for us too. We have been explaining how they can improve their return on marketing investment and generate higher response rates. The toners can produce some wonderful effects that prompt action. This means designers can produce something incredibly creative, in budget, and on-demand.

Find new ways to innovative 

We always bring new innovations to meetings with clients. Recently, we have been having more conversations around the gold, silver, neon and white toners for our Ricoh Pro™ C7200x digital colour sheetfed press. I have been particularly impressed with the results by laying down white first and neon, gold or silver on top. We have been producing our own mailers to showcase the results.

Further differentiation is being explored with the use of some very interesting substrates. They deliver greater tactility that engages the senses and reinforces quality, and they help get the piece of print noticed for our customers. 

Print industry outlook 

Following the pandemic, people are being cautious, and some have not printed since restrictions eased. But thankfully, we are seeing more work returning as the power of print is becoming increasingly recognised. The year is going well so far, and the forecast looks great. Next year, I think we will be able to add up to 10% to 12% on our turnover.

Some of that growth may come from short-run packaging, a new service we are considering adding. As part of that, we are investigating how our Pro C7200X, and its toners, can help us enhance those jobs.

The future for Healeys

Alongside our growth plans and commitment to innovation in print, we are also focused on improving our sustainable operation. We are working towards a 42% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030 as part of the Science Based Target Initiative. Hopefully, we can achieve this by investing in electric cars and switching to renewable energy.

We will then examine our suppliers and their approach to reducing carbon emissions. Ideally, they need to be working to reduce their emissions. We will also continue to offset our carbon use with the World Land Trust, something I also do personally, which costs as little as £1.50 per week.

Ultimately, we are looking at ways to help our clients see all the possibilities that print offers while operating in the most sustainable and responsible way. The support of like-minded partners and suppliers like Ricoh is essential.


Healeys Print enrolled in the Ricoh EDGE business development programme back in 2021 and has since reported continued success in creating new market opportunities.

Philip Dodd