Anything in Print – how today’s print leaders are setting the standards for tomorrow

An exciting opportunity lies ahead for the print industry: the lessons we’ve learned and innovations we’ve introduced have set us on course for a bright new era. But what does success look like – both now, and in the future? As Ricoh would say, Anything in Print is possible.

The UK print sector is a £14bn industry. It’s made up of many small to medium-sized businesses, and a few very large enterprises. And they’ve all faced the same challenges in recent years. But it’s not just overcoming global or political events – it’s also the rapidly increasing influence and importance of digital technology.

Anything in print

Print may traditionally involve high-volume generic output, but these practices are moving aside for smaller volumes, targeted at specific audiences and often integrated with digital media. Leading print businesses are already adapting their processes to meet these trends.

But how do you move your own business forwards? What are the right steps to take; technologies to integrate; partners to collaborate with? We’ll find out in this article as we uncover the concept of Anything in Print.

Where does the print industry currently stand?

In a very exciting place! Today’s print technology is at the cutting edge, advancing all the time. The market the industry serves is restless, demanding new innovation and pushing the boundaries of creativity and performance. Print is on the precipice of new ways of working that will produce more value, impact and levels of excellence.

But if the print industry is to embrace that opportunity, it needs a new mindset. One which says: Anything in Print is possible.

What is an ‘Anything in Print’ mindset?

An ‘Anything in Print’ mindset is one which finds a way to adapt to changing customer needs, which makes bold moves and fundamental changes where necessary, which understands where traditional print remains strong, and how it can be effectively augmented by new media.

“Despite recent challenges, we’ve continued to invest because our vision for the business remains the same – to be the trusted expert of choice for contemporary integrated communications. We’re piecing together a formidable portfolio of technology and hardware which will allow us to continually enhance our capabilities, processes and expertise for the benefit of our clients.”

Rachel Nevins, CEO, Adare

What will success look like?

Different from even just ten years ago. It will be motivated by value, not volume. It’ll sound like classical music, rather than heavy metal. And it will blend the experience and skill of your people with automation and new technology – wherever it makes sense.

It’s all about where you invest. Identify the right technology, find the best fit for your people, work with experienced partners and start planning how you will transform your business.

“I was becoming conscious that, in terms of quality, we were in danger of becoming a commodity printer. As soon as that happens, you’re just battling on price. We’re investing in technology that gives us something extra, above and beyond our competition.”

Steve Beeching, Managing Director, FCS LaserMail

Finding a partner with an ‘Anything in Print’ mindset

The print industry has long been a cut-throat competition. A battle to win the work that keeps the presses rolling. But like in many other fields, it’s waking up to the idea that collaboration is the best way to create growth: we don’t have to tackle new challenges in isolation, and it’s better to have a smaller slice of a bigger cake.

Progressive print businesses have already seen that working together can increase the prize for all involved, whether through short-term teamwork or formal partnerships. Sharing skills, expertise and processes with other people in the sector, and wider creative and marketing industries, enables your organisation to scale up and skill up in new directions, start new conversations, and deliver a more excellent service.

Ricoh – your people-first ‘Anything in Print’ partner

After recently researching and reflecting on the opportunity that lies ahead with an ‘Anything in Print’ mindset, Ricoh has recently published the aptly named Anything in Print, which covers the possibilities that exist for print companies if they adopt this approach to market.

And you can choose to collaborate with Ricoh as your people-first partner, drawing upon their expertise, learnings, and support to provide your business with the technology, processes and practices it needs to not just survive, but thrive in the next era of print. As Ricoh would say, anything in print is possible.

“The biggest benefit to our partnership with Ricoh has been the access to talent… We needed a production partner that could work with us long-term, developing our business – and Ricoh certainly fit that bill.”

Nick Green, Founder,

Learn and discover more about Ricoh’s Anything in Print mindset with our guide.

Click to read Anything in Print

Charles Jarrold

Chief Executive Officer at BPIF

Read all articles by Charles Jarrold