Law Firm Transformation: Successful Strategies for Future-Facing Firms

Law has always been a high-growth and highly competitive sector. But in terms of digital transformation, law firms have typically lagged behind other sectors such as tech, finance and professional services.

Some legal ways of working haven’t changed for hundreds of years and the industry is subject to a lot of regulation. This has stifled transformation efforts in the past. But now, things look set to change. 

The first-movers in the industry who have embraced transformation are now reaping the rewards as they set themselves apart from their competitors. And their peers, seeing this, are now following suit.

Click here to get your copy of our new report, Law Firm Transformation: Successful Strategies for Future-Facing Firms.

Despite this slow start, the legal industry is primed for transformation, for a number of reasons.

Acquisitions, consolidations and mergers – which happen often in law – create demand for change initiatives. As companies join together, business processes and technologies have to be aligned. Sometimes the easiest way to do this is to transform how one firm does things to match another.

Law has always been a high-pressure and high-stress profession. Transformation initiatives can help reduce time-consuming or repetitive work, which helps staff manage workloads. And creating workplaces that are more user-centric and supportive can reduce stress and improve wellbeing. Both of which also help with attracting and retaining top legal talent, the competition for which can be fierce.

Two legal professionals in the workplace discussing law firm transformation

This competition for talent has also led to the introduction of remote and flexible working policies, both of which throw up security challenges. Law firms, for obvious reasons, take information security very seriously. The need to balance new ways of working with a constantly evolving threat landscape is a key driver of transformation initiatives.

Beginning your transformation journey

If your law firm is considering or has already embarked upon its transformation journey, our latest report is for you. It’s full of useful advice, specifically for legal professionals, to create meaningful change that delivers lasting results. As with any successful change management strategy, the onus is on delivering solutions which improve employees’ working lives. And introducing them in such a way that they become embedded within the organisation. 

Click here to get your free copy of our latest report, Law Firm Transformation: Successful Strategies for Future-Facing Firms. And if you have any questions about anything in the report, or want to carry on the conversation, feel free to drop me a line on LinkedIn.


Andrew Grant

Director Legal Services at Ricoh UK

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