Windows 10 migration is the catalyst for change that IT leaders have been waiting for

Windows 10 migration will be seen by some as a burden. But if done properly it can be a great opportunity to put digital transformation at the top of the agenda.

When Windows 10 first launched, many businesses held off on migrating right away. At the time, there was no imperative to do so. The support for Windows 7 is ended on 14 January 2020, so sticking with the older operating system is no longer an option.

Why? For three reasons:

  • No more security updates
  • No support if things go wrong
  • Fewer drivers are being made for Windows 7

Sticking with Windows 7 is risky. I appreciate that many IT teams already feel overstretched and the thought of a major upgrade can be overwhelming. On top of this, end users are often resistant to change. But for businesses of any size, running an unsupported OS is not worth the risk.

Workforce in office space which completed the Windows 10 migration.

Resist change or seize the opportunity

As of September 2018*, Windows held 87.6% of the operating system market share. Broken down by OS version:

  • Windows XP – 3.2%
  • Windows 8 – 6%
  • Windows 7 – 41%
  • Windows 10 – 37%

Ending support for Windows 7 is going to create a lot of work for a lot of people. And now the support has ended, we need to do one of these two things:

  • Accept the change and see it as an opportunity to improve
  • Oppose what’s happening and carry on as before

There are people who embrace new technology, see how it can make work styles more efficient and bring a better way of doing things. And there are those who resist it. And to those people I say…

Windows 10 Migration is an opportunity, not a chore

We saw from our Economy of People report that 91% of executives believe productivity would increase significantly by investing in workplace modernisation.

We also know that employees want to be able to maximise technology in order to do their jobs more efficiently and reduce repetitive admin tasks.

Windows 10 migration may feel overwhelming but it presents a massive opportunity to transform IT services across the whole business and introduce new ways of working. Something employees are desperately hoping for.

Windows 10 is a much faster-operating system that will enable employees to work quicker and be more productive.

Better tools for remote and collaborative working can help organisations implement true flexible working. When data and information is safe across all devices you remain compliant. It lays the foundations for an IT infrastructure that can support new technologies and enable a truly modern workplace.

A catalyst for business and workplace transformation

Every business strives to improve processes in order to offer better customer service. Knowing and understanding the benefits of migrating to Windows 10 can put you in an advantageous position to convince other leaders in the business that it’s worth the effort.

3 benefits of migrating to Windows 10

  1. The last major operating system upgrade

Microsoft has said that the objective is for Windows 10 to be the last major, large-scale upgrade. In future, updates and patches will be delivered as a service, on a regular basis.

Taking into account that Windows and SQL 2008 R2 Servers are also going end of life, this presents an ideal opportunity to review your company’s IT infrastructure as a whole. If you review it with workplace transformation in mind you can make your business fit for purpose for the future and carry out this work all at the same time.

  1. Reduces the burden on IT teams

Windows 10 is changing the way desktop IT is managed. Virtual desktops come as standard, which means you don’t have to install an operating system on every computer. This makes troubleshooting and deploying updates easier and faster to manage.

A number of management tools, such as UEM (Unified Endpoint Management) and MMAT (Mobile Device Management Migration Analysis Tool), will help save time. They free up IT administrators to focus on the features that are available and how they can be used to improve the business.

  1. Cost savings and increased operational efficiency

EMM (Enterprise Mobility Management) functionality in a feature now available in Windows 10. By eliminating staging areas/test environments, you can dramatically improve the management of Windows while lowering operational costs.

Through an evaluation of your user groups and existing application licenses, you can make a better decision on the number of licenses your business really needs. Do you need a license for each device or user? Can you segment user groups and provide just the apps they need to do their jobs, for example?

In addition to the time saved by the IT teams, employees will be able to work more efficiently because their IT works at the speed they need it to.

Don’t forget, transformation is about people

When you really understand how people work and the tools they need to do their jobs, you can deliver an IT service that drives job satisfaction and fosters creativity. Think about any training and support employees need to make the transition to the new system and ways of working.

According to VMware**, the top 3 roadblocks are:

  • Application compatibility (61%)
  • Internal resource constraint (41%)
  • End users don’t want to learn a new operating system (37%)

Our team at Ricoh can remove these obstacles. From the initial assessment to deployment and aftercare, we work with you to develop solutions that ensure a seamless transition and create a stable, manageable IT infrastructure for many years to come.

Take a look at our practical guide for hands-on advice for starting a Windows 10 migration.

If you have any questions or would like to know more information, please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.


** VMWare Windows 10 Adoption Trends

Paul Ryder

Digital Services Director

Read all articles by Paul Ryder