Leading Change at Work

Devising your Digital

Workplace Strategy

Effective working practices today hinge on a simple premise. That every component of the workplace, whether it’s physical or virtual, now requires conscious consideration and active decision-making. We can no longer take for granted the traditional role of the office, working hours or even the typical behaviours of our customers and colleagues.

Leading Change at Work

So how exactly do you create a plan that supports your people and digital business transformation?

20 Business Leaders  | Four Focus Areas | One Definitive Discussion

Insights from private and public sector leaders; spanning HR, Facilities, Finance & Operations and IT.

With key insights from Paul Mason – Award-winning British Journalist, Broadcaster and Author who speaks on the areas of business and economics.

The Conscious Workplace; Making sense of the new world of work

Learn how people are coping with working in a pandemic world and how core fundamentals such as technology, processes and the working environment are starting to influence new behaviours. By achieving a balance, businesses can work towards economic recovery.

Work Together, Anywhere

Productivity, employee engagement and company outputs shouldn’t suffer as a result of the changed world of work. Our Work Together, Anywhere webinar series provides valuable insights and guidance on a variety of topics including how to support your people as they work remotely, optimising your workspace, streamlining your processes and simplifying your technology.