Ways to avoid your print staff sabotaging new customer technology

In our experience, many print businesses have at least one member of staff who finds it hard to engage with change within their company. They see negatives in everything, finding reasons why this change or that shouldn’t be made, and talking disparagingly to other employees about the plans the firm has.

It is a challenge to get them on your side, but it can and must be done, as print businesses look to the future and try to evolve to fit their customers’ expectations of a modern, digital operation.

Thinking about customer technology.

Making your company more efficient – especially when this involves the implementation of new digital technology to replace previously manual tasks carried out by your workforce – will almost certainly require a cultural change within your organisation. You will need to foster a culture of agility and continual improvement. This recent report by Microsoft outlines the steps you need to take to be successful in what can be a difficult transition.

“Digital transformation is not a technology deployment or an IT exercise, it’s a people exercise,” says Microsoft UK CEO Cindy Rose in the report. “Business leaders must therefore embrace cultural transformation from the top and explore behavioural shifts that are needed to bring about lasting change.”

Make a plan around your most enthusiastic people

We often find that alongside the disengaged there are natural innovators within the team, who will be tremendous allies to management in delivering a digital transformation. To bring those who are less than enthusiastic with you on the journey, good leadership and great communication is needed, to demonstrate the value of new technology, and allay deep-set fears. The change should not be imposed, regardless of your employees’ concerns, and communication should be two-way.

We have created a report that deals in more detail with all of the issues that undergoing a digital transformation can impose, which you can download for free by filling out the form to the right (or below if you’re on mobile).

When you choose to invest time reading these materials, you will find the latest thinking and examples of how businesses of all sizes can finally get to grips with what a business transformation plan looks like.  Significantly, you will learn the right way of thinking and how to approach the challenging topic both in terms of technology and people.  You will also get a clear way of starting your journey and the key questions to ask.

Learn more by downloading our report ‘The path to outstanding customer satisfaction with cloud IT and eCommerce’.

Tim Carter

Ricoh UK Sales Director Commercial Print

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